Where There is a Will, There is a Way

Where There is a Will, There is a Way

Without a will, there is no way to direct and preserve the wealth you spent a lifetime to acquire. Yet, even as retirement approaches, some put off creating a will and estate plan.

The quality of a will is only apparent when it is needed. Using boilerplate or form documents to create your will could leave your family unprotected when you pass away. Regardless of the size of your estate, a legally valid will is essential.

There are two types of wills not recognized in Florida:

  • Holographic wills: Bequests and directions described in a handwritten will are not valid. This type of a will usually has no witnesses.
  • Nuncupative wills: A will that is spoken to witnesses, as on a deathbed, is not valid in Florida. A nuncupative will is also known as a verbal will.

Each will is as unique as its creator. Seeking qualified legal advice to prepare your will is important for a multitude of reasons:

  • The use of an estate planning attorney ensures your will is valid and your directions stand when you pass away.
  • An attorney provides valuable planning advice on options for distributing wealth in ways favorable to your heirs.
  • Issues such as the loss of a spouse, a remarriage and protecting complex assets are appropriately handled when your will is prepared by an estate planning professional.
  • Recent tax and legislative changes can invalidate a will prepared without legal assistance.

When you have questions about preparing your will or estate plan, talk to a knowledgeable Florida estate planning attorney.