Can You Quitclaim Property Rather Than Leaving it In a Will?

Tag Archives: wills and probate

Can You Quitclaim Property Rather Than Leaving it In a Will?

It’s common for people to use wills or trusts to leave behind property to loved ones. However, there are other options available, such as gifting property or using a quitclaim for real estate. You do have the ability to  deed your property to others during your life.  People sometimes refer to that as quitclaiming property, […]

In Which Circumstances Can an Estate Entirely Avoid Probate?

There are some circumstances in which Florida estates do not have to go through the probate process. This usually happens when the deceased person leaves very little behind in terms of assets or property. Florida offers what is called Disposition Without Administration, a process that lets a person who paid for the final expenses of […]

What’s the Summary Administration Option in Florida?

In Florida, there are three main ways to settle an estate, one of which is summary administration. This method serves as a shortcut to the probate process for estates that meet either of the following criteria: The death occurred at least two years ago. The value of the estate to be probated, including all property […]

Summary Administration Versus Formal Administration in Probate

When someone dies, that person’s estate may be put through formal administration (in other words, the regular probate process) or it may be eligible for summary administration. This means that there are multiple methods of administrating probate in Florida. Summary administration is offered in a few select situations. Considered a shortcut to probate, this option […]

How You Can Use Roth IRAs to Avoid Probate

If you’re beginning to think about retirement, consider setting up a Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Not only are IRAs very tax-friendly savings plans, but they also have long-term benefits that allow you to leave money for your heirs without forcing them to go through a challenging probate process. One misconception people have about setting […]

Florida Decides Question: Are Person’s Remains ‘Property’?

This past May, a Florida appellate court had the opportunity to decide a rather strange new question regarding estate law. The case, Wilson v. Wilson came about after a 23-year-old man was killed in a car accident. He died without a will and left no written or verbal instructions regarding how he wanted his body […]

What Happens to Your Estate If You Don’t Write a Will?

Many people understandably don’t think about the benefits of establishing a will while they are young, as they plan to live to old age. However, life does not always cooperate, and passing away without a will can create a troublesome situation for family members who do not have the legal authority to choose how to […]