Why it’s Important to Make a Will if You Have Children

Author Archives: Phillip A. Baumann

Why it’s Important to Make a Will if You Have Children

While it is always important to have a will in place, it is especially important if you have minor children. Here are just a few reasons why: Guardianship: With a will, you can name who would assume guardianship of your children if you die while they are still minors. Otherwise, if you die with minor […]

The Benefits of Virtual Meetings With Attorneys During COVID-19

During the time of COVID-19, it has become commonplace for attorneys to meet with their clients virtually whenever possible. There have been so many benefits to virtual meetings that it is expected they will continue to be a service offered by many law firms even after the pandemic has subsided. Here are a few examples […]

Digital Assets You Should Handle in Your Will

Today’s wills must account for digital assets as well as physical and financial ones. You can leave behind instructions for any or all of your digital assets in your estate plan, but only some can actually pass through your will. These are assets that you own and have real, value to them. Examples of these […]

An Overview of Co-Ownership of Real Estate in Florida

In Florida, there are three primary forms of joint ownership of real estate/home titles. Let’s take a quick look at each of these three and the pros and cons that come with them. Tenancy in common In Florida, when two or more people hold a title they ususally do so as tenants in common, unless […]

Prenups and Estate Planning Can Overlap

The way prenuptial agreements are used in marriages can result in them having a bit of an overlap at times with estate planning, because these contracts often limit a surviving spouse’s right to inherit property. Every state has laws in place that protect a surviving spouse’s property and inheritance rights. These laws were originally implemented […]

Eligibility for Medicaid in Florida for Nursing Home Care

If you have a loved one who may need nursing home care but would like government assistance in paying for it, you will need to make sure the candidate meets all of the criteria in Florida to receive Medicaid for nursing home care. These criteria are as follows: Legal residency in Florida A need for […]

Important Estate Planning Tools for College Students

While most college students who are young adults probably don’t pay a second thought to estate planning, it can be highly beneficial to get some simple estate planning documents in order. The importance of doing so is even greater during the time of a pandemic. Students who are back at campus this fall are  at […]

How Has Coronavirus Impacted the Probate Process in Florida?

The impact of COVID-19 has been evident in just about every area of business, including the legal world. The impact has been particularly severe on the probate court here in Florida. As of mid-November, there had been more than 870,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Florida and nearly 18,000 deaths, with the hardest-hit areas being […]

The Benefits of a Special Needs Trust

A special needs trust is a crucial estate planning tool for persons whose beneficiaries (minor or adult) have special needs. Here are a few of the biggest benefits of implementing this tool in your estate plan. Preserve government benefits: By using a special needs trust, you can provide for your beneficiary without risking their government […]

The Importance of Estate Planning During the Pandemic

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up a lot of the ways we live and work in the United States. It has also added a sense of urgency to estate planning, particularly for people in high-risk demographics. The growing case numbers and death counts serve as a constant reminder of our mortality, and […]